Were you aware that, globally, obesity affects roughly 11% of men and 15% of women? Although such percentages might not seem all that alarming, the World Health Organization reports that since 1975, the rate of obesity has nearly tripled. While most people have a preconceived notion of what obesity is, which is mostly built upon misconceptions, it’s imperative that you fully educate yourself on obesity, particularly if it directly affects you.

Obesity in Men: How it Affects Quality of Life


How Does Obesity Affect Men?

Obesity is a severe health issue that impacts both genders. The effects on the two groups, however, are quite different. Obesity is associated with a host of other health issues, including hypertension and kidney disease. Men may then experience a range of issues with their reproductive systems as a result.

Let’s examine the potential impact of a man’s weight on his reproductive health.

Implications on reproduction

The sex hormone testosterone is in charge of sperm production, sex drive, the growth of men’s reproductive organs, and muscle bulk. Results from several studies indicate that males who have a body mass index (BMI) that is even slightly higher than average for their age show evidence of reduced testosterone levels.

As was previously noted, testosterone directly affects the generation of sperm, therefore, low testosterone can have a detrimental effect on the quantity and quality of sperm, which in turn can reduce a man’s fertility. According to research, men who are overweight have a 39% higher chance of not having any sperm in their ejaculate. For men who wish to start a family, this is a major worry because low sperm counts reduce the likelihood of fertilizing an egg.

Dysfunction in sexual relations

Men are more likely to experience sexual dysfunctions, including erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation, due to the diseases that might result from obesity.

Diabetes and elevated blood pressure.

Both are typical in guys with high levels of body fat. These illnesses may result in irregular blood flow or injury to the penis, which can lead to sexual dysfunction. Not only that but maintaining an erection may be difficult when taking the drugs prescribed for certain diseases. Medications for heart disease and high blood pressure are frequent offenders.

Treatment for Obesity

Dietary Adjustments

Making dietary adjustments is essential for improving your health both before and after surgery. Following surgery, you run a very significant risk of having your BMI rise to harmful levels if you don’t change to a healthier diet.

To help you stay on top of things, start small when you first start your healthy diet adventure. Making tiny adjustments to your diet makes it easier to identify any problems, as your body may or may not respond well to whatever you put into it.

Lifestyle Changes

It’s critical to establish a habit that supports your overall health objectives. If your lifestyle isn’t conducive to maintaining your health, it will be challenging for you to do so. Begin gradually taking charge of your health by including activities that enhance wellbeing, such as yoga, park walks, riding, etc.

Make it a point to engage in at least one physically healthy activity each day. The more often you engage in an activity, the faster it becomes second nature. Once you’ve decided the exercises you want to include in your program, you can adjust it as necessary.


Bariatric surgery is a possibility if obesity is causing an immediate threat to your health. Some operations and treatments can help lower your chance of developing potentially fatal medical conditions or provide a workable way to keep things from getting worse.


Obesity is a chronic disease and it should be taken care of immediately before it develops fatal complications. While diet adjustments and lifestyle changes help many patients, more often than not, patients fail to comply and end up gaining weight.

If you are someone who is obese and has exhausted all other possible treatments for obesity, give bariatric treatment a thought; it can help you lose weight. But while you do so, it’s crucial that you conduct the necessary research before considering a procedure like gastric sleeve surgery. You can meet Dr. Atul Shah, an obesity surgeon in Ahmedabad for a consultation. You should make an informed choice because surgery is a serious matter.

Dr Atul Shah

Dr Atul Shah

Dr. Atul Shah is a senior Laparoscopic & GI Surgeon practicing at Ahmedabad for more than 25 years. At present he is the MEDICAL DIRECTOR, at Kaizen institute of Gastroenterology and practicing laparoscopic Bariatric and Hernia surgeon.

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